One of the wines that stood out for me at the tasting was the 2003 Wild Pig Syrah, a 100% Syrah with the unfortunate tag line, "take a wine on the wild side". It comes to mind today as Vino Girl ponders the July 4th holiday ahead and the BBQ'd food that comes with it -- food that will easily be tamed by and harmonize with the Wild Pig. The wine is not some overblown Syrah but has a liberal dose of red berry fruit, nice spice, impressive balance and good acidity. For $8.99 all this should make you happier than a pig in, well, you know!
Intensity: B+
Complexity: B
Balance & Structure: B+
Current Grade: B+
Peak Grade: B+
Where can you find a Wild Pig in these parts? Try Wine Legacy in in Plainview, NY.
thank you!