[A world of advice to those of you who have never traversed the roads of, for example, Napa Valley wine country: personal experience tells us that Google Maps, as handy as they may be, will occasionally, and one would hope inadvertently, take you down the "scenic route" when there is a crossroad that will get you to your destination ten times faster. "Down the road a piece" can mean two entirely different things to you and to the tech-savvy universe that is Google. Double check your directions.]
The Winerybound idea is currently a little easier to grasp than the website execution but with some time to iron out the quirks and add more information and features, the site has the potential to become a great resource for wine thirsty travelers everywhere. Winerybound plans to create additional features that will educate visitors about wine pairings as well as add a blog that will let visitors in on useful insider information to keep in mind when visiting wineries. This, we also know from personal experience, can be as good as gold!
You can already find some helpful information for the wineries included on the site, from hours of operation and special features such as picnic facilities to winemaker names, annual production, website urls and more.
Check it out and happy travels!
This is cool, will be good for us and friends. Merci Bud