Vino Girl landed a gig writing weekly lifestyle tips for
Ladies Who Launch, a network for motivated female entrepreneurs. Given that wine is my lifestyle, we will be reposting the tips here at Drink The Good Stuff after they appear in the Ladies Who Launch weekly e-mail and in the magazine lifestyle section of their website.
So, here goes the first weekly tip, appropos for the holidays...

The holidays are a time for celebration and what better wine to make merry with than the bubbly stuff itself — sparkling wine or Champagne. The big name French Champagne houses — Krug, Dom Perignon, Moet & Chandon — have their place at many a special fĂȘte but, as we all know, this caliber of revelry doesn’t come cheap. That’s where this week’s tip comes in. You don’t have to spend all of your hard earned money to enjoy a spectacular bubbly. Whether your sparkling wine tastes are more inclined to France or California, there are some hidden gems out there that won’t break the bank, especially when you are entertaining a crowd.
From France, Duval Leroy is a little known estate that produces a sophisticated Champagne for approximately $30 retail. The
Duval Leroy Non Vintage Brut is a dry, rich and full-bodied Champagne with toasty, citrus flavors and a mouthwatering froth. From California, Scharffenberger Brut (yes, of chocolate fame!) makes a remarkably classy sparkler with a creamy consistency and refreshing flavors of fruit and caramel. The
Scharffenberger Brut Non Vintage can be found at retail for under $15. Grab a case of these value sippers and enjoy the season. For stores in your area visit
Wine Searcher.
Congrats girly!