Lots o' work on the other side of things has kept our wine blogging to a minimum and for that I apologize, especially after blathering on about all the fine postings we have in store for you (which is still the case, BTW). Look for more wine bars, more Broadbentisms, more Wine Makers info, and more general wine chatter. We will also have something special just for our blog readers very shortly- but more on that in another post.
Readers interested in our other calling should perk up here. The Bon Vivant Wine Guide is once again (tell me about it) on the verge of going live. It looks like with vino girl out of the way some real work will get done around here. Seriously, she is off to party because we are wrapping up the first issue and well, frankly, becuase she is the boss. When are we going gold? We're all mum on that as we've cried wolf enough, but hopefully sooner than you think.
Your winemonkey has been reading PerezHilton, TMZ and Page Six lately and it has gotten me all giddy over gossip. Why I am I reading that idiocy? The lack of sleep probably, but in any case here is a scoop. It looks like your very own vino girl is launching out with the uber-networking group "ladies who launch". A weekly wine tip write up for their site is in the works that will surely see some post-post airplay here. More info as items are finalized.
Cross your fingers and keep it dialed in here.
Checking in from Paris! The city is beautiful as always and all decked out for the holidays. Have been keeping up my part of the bargain and drinking some good wine, mostly '95 and '98 Bordeaux (much more vintage stuff on wine lists here!). Funny thing is I saw one list at a touristy type cafe that was trying to onload every '97 first growth and might-as-well-be-first-growth (Cheval Blan) for nearly 400 euro per bottle. Merci, no! More later. Au revoir. Vino Girl